Hydrogen Joint Research Platform

A touchpoint between the major stakeholders of the Italian Hydrogen supply Chain and the corresponding international and Emirati actors


Politecnico di Milano, Campus Leonardo, Pesenti Room (via Bonardi 9, Building 13, Milano) and live streaming

The event

The Hydrogen Joint Research Platform (Hydrogen JRP), created by Fondazione Politecnico di Milano, together with Politecnico di Milano and three founding companies, EdisonEni and Snam, will promote innovative studies and research in several areas: the production of clean hydrogen, which includes green hydrogen and low carbon hydrogen; associated transport solutions and advanced storage systems; innovative electrochemical and thermal applications for domestic and industrial use and in transport systems; and the development of best practices in the design and construction of hydrogen transport and storage infrastructure.

This launch event, included in the schedule of Innovation House and planned at the same time in Milano and Dubai, will be an opportunity to interact with important stakeholders, at national and international level, involved in this new university-company joint research platform set up to study and develop an energy vector capable of playing a decisive role in the achievement of global climate objectives, i.e. hydrogen.

The program

10:30 | Welcome and event opening @ Dubai
Andrea Sianesi, President, Fondazione Politecnico di Milano

10:35 | Politecnico di Milano strategic research directions on hydrogen @ Dubai
Giovanni Lozza, Director, Politecnico di Milano, Energy Department

10:45 | Presentation of Hydrogen Joint Research Platform project @ Milano
Stefano Campanari, Professor, Politecnico di Milano, Energy Department
Mario Motta, Professor, Politecnico di Milano, Energy Department

11:15 | The role of Edison within the Hydrogen Joint Research Platform project @ Milano/Dubai
Giovanni Brianza, Edison Executive Vice President Energy & Environmental Services Market Division

11:30 | The role of Eni within the Hydrogen Joint Research Platform project @ Milano
Monica Spada, Head of Research & Technological Innovation, Eni

11:45 | The role of Snam within the Hydrogen Joint Research Platform project @ Milano
Cosma Panzacchi, Executive Vice President of Hydrogen Business Unit, Snam

12:00 | The strategy of De Nora for Hydrogen Energy Transition and the NEOM Project @ Milano
Paolo Dellachà
, CEO, De Nora Group

12:15 | Dubai Electricity & Water Authority (DEWA) Green Hydrogen Project @ Dubai
DEWA (Speaker: to be defined)

12:25 | Presentation of the project H2IseO @ Dubai
Marco Piuri, General Director, FNM, and CEO, Trenord

12:40 | Opportunities of Developing Hydrogen Projects in Chile @ Dubai
Felipe Repetto, Director of Chile Pavilion and Trade Commissioner of Chile in UAE

12:55 | Final greetings and closing @ Dubai
Claudia Maria Terzi, Councillor for Transport, Infrastructure and SustainableMobility, Lombardy Region

13:00 | Networking lunch

How to join the event

The event will be held in presence at the same time in Milano, at Politecnico di Milano (Pesenti Room, via Bonardi 9, Building 13), and Dubai, at InterContinental Hotel, and will be streamed live on Cisco Webex platform.

Register and find out more at www.eventi.fondazionepolitecnico.it/HydrogenJointResearchPlatform.

The event is free and open to everyone, anti-Covid regulations apply.