IWCM2 2023
The event
The future of information technology will be nanoscale electronics: that is, microscopic devices more powerful, faster and more reliable than current ones, and with extremely low energy consumption.
The Project
IWCM² (International Workshop on Characterization and Modeling of Memory devices) is a workshop that involves numerous experts from the international scientific community and exponents of the academic world to discuss the latest research news and future trends in the field of nanoscale memory devices , their characterization, modeling and application.
Several aspects of memory devices including the physical understanding of the functional properties of new materials and new architectures for the devices will be discussed during the meeting.
IWCM² is an annual high-level event which this year reaches its twelfth edition, it will be held on 5th and 6th October at the University of Milano-Bicocca.
A unique opportunity to discuss nanoscale memory devices and new memory concepts.
The event is promoted and organized by Politecnico di Milano and University of Milano-Bicocca, in collaboration with Fondazione Politecnico di Milano.
The program
The program will be available soon.