PMI Network | World Manufacturing Week 2020
Empowering the Network between Micro and Small Manufacturing Companies, Associations and University: A Success Story
Online event, 12:00 - 13:00
The event
Confartigianato Imprese Lombardia (The Craft and Trade Association of Lombardy), partner in the SME Network project is promoting the event on “Empowering the Network of Micro and Small Manufacturing Companies, Associations and Universities: A Success Story”, within the World Manufacturing Week 2020. This events highlights the experience and best practice in interaction between MSMEs, associations and universities in cross-border regions with a well-established industrial and manufacturing tradition, to share their success stories with the event’s attendees. During this roundtable, speakers from Politecnico di Milano, SUPSI – University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland – and Hub Innovazione Trentino, as active players in the world of innovation, will present the models and dynamics applied within their own settings.
The participants will be able to listen to many success stories, including that of the Interreg SME Network which draws on experience gained during a very busy year to highlight the importance of personal contacts and ICT tools in the interrelation between universities, research centres, companies and stakeholders.