
Smart City in the MED area: Smart City online Conferences & visio Transnational Meetings

MED ESMARTCITY concluding event with inspiring plenary sessions, informative workshops and targeted meetings for companies


Online event

The event

The MED ESMARTCITY partners have organised a final session to discuss the wealth of knowledge acquired during the course of this project.  Speakers and participants from the European Mediterranean basin will meet to analyse the MED ESMARTCITY results and to find new opportunities for growth and development. The match-making event brings together local authorities in the European Mediterranean area, industries and research bodies. The conference will touch upon a range of topics, including the issues facing smart cities (such as lighting, building and mobility), data and digititalisation, smart grids, green growth and sustainable development, and resilient territories.

The event hosts the final conference of MED ESMARTCITY project, that involves ten partners from six different countries: Italy, France, Greece, Portugal, Spain and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Politecnico di Milano, in collaboration with Fondazione Politecnico di Milano, Città metropolitana di Milano and Regione Abruzzo (lead partner) are the Italian partners. The main objective of the initiative is to ensure that cities in the Mediterranean area are better prepared for change by creating innovative ecosystems.