Vehicle electrification. In Lombardy, a best practice for the car industry and its future.
Final event of INPROVeS, a research del project funded by Regione Lombardia through the POR FESR 2014-2020 programme
Online event, 10:00
The event
On Friday 14th May, from 10.00 am to 12.30 pm, Brembo, together with Marelli, Mako Shark, Peri, eNovia, UTPVision, MDQuadro, Politecnico di Milano e Università di Bergamo, and with the support of Kilometro Rosso Innovation District, will host the event “Inproves, a project on the integration of products and processes for the manufacturing of electric motor for vehicles”.
Supported by the European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020 of Regione Lombardia, Inproves is the first project of its kind. Its objective is to design and develop brushless electric motor with permanent magnets (PMM) for both braking systems and traction, along with energy recovery. Thanks to the synergy between large, small, and medium enterprises, universities, and research centres, over the past four years, Inproves contributed to the development of safer, more efficient, and sustainable vehicles, designed at the same time to be more comfortable, automated, and connected.