

We stand at the side of cultural and creative companies facing the challenges of a post-Covid-19 society


Online event, 11:00

The event

CLIC – Creating cultural business in Lombardy is now concluded. CLIC designed and set up a training programme to help a group of young people transform their ideas into creative companies. Participants joining the concluding event will be able to present their business projects and interact with national and international experts and stakeholders. Together, they will investigate the results obtained and discuss the new challenges, opportunities and developments for cultural and creative companies in a post-Covid-19 society.

CLIC is funded by Regione Lombardia and FSE through a public call to submit training and mentoring programmes for establishing cultural and creative art businesses in public spaces (Decree law DDS n. 962 of 28/01/2019). CLIC is implemented by Fondazione Politecnico di Milano – Department of Design with CILAB, AFOL Metropolitana, the Agency for Training, Orientation and Work and PoliHub, the Innovation District and Startup Accelerator of Politecnico di Milano.

ACCESS LINK: Join the event (microsoft.com)

The program

11:00 | Welcome
Eugenio Gatti, General Manager, Fondazione Politecnico di Milano

11:05 | Results from the CLIC project
Arianna Vignati, Co-Director of CILAB and professor at the Design Department of Politecnico di Milano

11:15 | Ideas launched through CLIC – Pitch by the 8 finalist teams
Moderator: Giacomo Ius, Head of the Centre of Professional Education Paullo, AFOL Metropolitana

12:10 | Where do cultural and creative companies go from here in a post-Covid-19 society?
Presentations by:
Marie Yeroyanni
, Senior Expert Innovating Cities Directorate General for Research & Innovation, European Commission
Doris Ciliberti, Head of International Projects for Young People and Startups, Chamber of Commerce of Milan Monza Brianza and Lodi
Angelo Rindone, Founder of Produzioni dal Basso and CEO of Folkfunding
Cristina Pellegrino, Officer of Unità Organizzativa Programmazione e Valorizzazione Culturale, Regione Lombardia (Organisational Unit for Programming and Promoting Culture, Lombardy Regional Government)

12:40 | Q&A

12:50 | Conclusion

How to join the event

This is a free and open event held on Microsoft Teams. Register at www.eventbrite.it/accendiamo-il-talento-con-un-clic.

ACCESS LINK: Join the event (microsoft.com)