Smart pyjamas with sensors to monitor sleep quality combined with an app

January 2017

- December 2019

The initiative

SOMNUS: Sleep system On the body to Monitor Non Invasively Using Sensors The SOMNUS system connects nightwear made in sensorised fabric to an electric device through conductive snap fasteners. Data are viewed through an app on a smartphone or tablet. The sensors incorporated in the nightwear or underwear measure breathing and heart rate, send data in real time to an external device, a smartphone or tablet, through a user-friendly app. This is a non-invasive method to monitor our sleep, the tops and tee-shirts come in men’s and women’s styles and are in elasticated technological, to cling to the body at the points where the textile microsensors are located. After being transmitted, data are analysed and viewed by the algorithms developed by DEIB – Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering at Politecnico di Milano.


The role of the Foundation

Fondazione Politecnico di Milano supported the partnership

Technical details

Over 9 million Italians suffer from sleep-related health issues, and 30% of 30 to 64 year olds sleep less than 6 hours a night with negative effects on the quality of their sleep. What does this do? It lowers the immune system, causes memory and learning problems, and a higher risk of catching diseases.

SOMNUS is an example of strategic partnership between industry and universities. Four companies are involved in the project: Comftech of Monza (project leader), Genesi of Castel Goffredo in the province of Mantova, Sonnomedica of Milano and Tecnofilati of Medolago in the province of Bergamo – and one university, Politecnico di Milano with the support of Fondazione Politecnico di Milano.

SOMNUS is financed by the European Regional Development Fund within POR Lombardy FESR 2014-2020, Priority axis I “Strengthen technological research, development and innovation” Action I.1.b.1.2, “Support for the economic exploitation of innovation by experimenting with and taking up innovative solutions in processes, products and organisational formulas, and by funding the industrial application of research findings” and the call for projects “Bando Smart Fashion and Design”.

Achieved results

SOMNUS has produced a collection of “smart” underwear and nightwear with textile microsensors combined with innovative wearable technology to monitor sleep in comfort, applying design and fashion to technology. The system works like a data consultation tool, integrating the technological aspect with a high “fashion & design content”. The project was financed through the European Regional Development Fund and concluded with a fashion show presenting underwear for men and women, in all colours and models, on the stairway up to the Aula Magna at Politecnico di Milano.

Financial supporters

Bando Smart Fashion and Design