Stargate – Stepping up to the Future

Workshops and initiatives to meet the challenges children and teenagers face at school and in their life choices

February 2021

- August 2023

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The initiative

Stargate is a student orientation project for guiding children and teenagers in their choices and critical school transitions. The project encompasses a series of actions that involve the youngsters’ entire families and the educational community as a whole, to help children make their life choices without being afraid of change.

Stargate – Stepping up to the Future was selected by the non-profit organisation “Con i Bambini” (With the Children) within the Fund to fight educational poverty among children, coordinated by Cesvol Umbria (Service Centre for Volunteering in Umbria) with the involvement of a wide partner network. It will run in the area of Trasimeno and Assisano (social zones no 3 and no 5 in the Region of Umbria) until August 2023.

Stargate will include workshops, meetings, training sessions and even a game app created in collaboration with Politecnico di Milano. Around 1300 youngsters of various ages will take an active part in the project, and one hundred or so family households will be involved, funded through an overall budget of about 460 thousand euros, around 400 thousand of which is provided by Con i Bambini and the rest by the partners in the project.

The role of the Foundation

Fondazione Politecnico di Milano is a partner in the initiative and is responsible for Action 7, “Student Orientation via Learning Game Jams”.

Technical details

The project intends to help families, teachers and younger students in making informed choices about their schooling and then about their work. This is also the function of the game app to be created by Fondazione Politecnico di Milano within the project Stargate – Stepping up to the Future. We will be running highly interactive workshops at secondary school, the Istituto Superiore Bonghi, where Foundation specialists will be on hand to assist the youngsters in a series of game jams where together they will imagine, design and build a student orientation game app.

Financial supporters


Coordinator: CESVOL Umbria

Istituto d’Istruzione Superiore “Marco Polo – Ruggero Bonghi”, Direzione Didattica Bastia Umbra, Fondazione Politecnico di Milano, Istituto comprensivo statale “Dalmazio Birago”, Ass. Cult. “Laus Veris” ETS, Istituto comprensivo Bastia 1, Associazione Piccoli Gesti APS, Istituto omnicomprensivo “Mazzini” di Magione, Unione dei Comuni del Trasimeno, Comune di Bastia Umbra, Fair lab srls, MenteGlocale APS, Università di Pisa – Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, IdeAttivaMente snc, So.Stare Centro per la Mediazione e il Counseling nelle relazioni d’aiuto Associazione di Promozione Sociale, Associazione Il Bucaneve ODV.