CRIMSON is an innovative microscope that will change how we study the cellular origin of deceases

A ground-breaking step in microscope and endoscope imaging, totally transforming the study of the cellular origins of diseases, as well as being a big advance in the field of precision medicine. Financed by the European Union, the research project CRIMSON is now up and running.

CRIMSON is building the next generation biophotonic imaging device for biomedical research, combining advanced laser techniques and sophisticated data analyses based on artificial intelligence algorithms. This innovative microscope will produce 3D quantitative images of sub-cellular compartments in living cells and organoids, allowing fast cell/tissue classification with unprecedented biomedical sensitivity.

CRIMSON will run over 42 months from 1 December 2020 with a 5 million € budget. It will also simulate future in-vivo studies demonstrating the capability to image within the human body, building an innovative CRS endoscope and applying it to the diagnosis of tissue and cell samples. The results could contribute to improving the quality of life for patients.

The consortium is coordinated by Politecnico di Milano and supported by Fondazione Politecnico di Milano. It brought together a ten-member multidisciplinary team of three research centres, three biomedical partners and four companies.

To find out more, watch this video