
MindSphere World, an ecosystem to revive Italy’s industrial fabric


Speed, flexibility and the capacity to intercept market changes. This is why we need to join forces in an ecosystem that brings together the main players in digital change.

MindSphere World, an international association that promotes IoT and cloud computing for the world of industry and includes Siemens SpA and Fondazione Politecnico di Milano among its members, reaffirmed this point at a press conference held at Politecnico di Milano. There is the need for a digital strategy that can support companies through value added solutions for optimising and developing Industry 4.0, which is already turning towards open platforms as the channel for true competition on a world scale.

The focus of the Association’s operations is the MindSphere platform, a solution that combines IoT, industrial edge, cloud computing and software development, all designed with the world of industry in mind. MindSphere World offers the benefit of creating a true ecosystem around the platform, which goes beyond the definition of open architecture and pure trade agreements, and creates a community with rules of collaboration and recruitment that ensures competition and high standards in business.

“The future of industry is becoming intrinsically tied to digital, opening countless doors onto innovation, in all its many technological and commercial facets. It is an awesome and compelling challenge, where research, education and company-university collaboration all play a crucial role if we are to be successful. As Fondazione Politecnico di Milano, we work to promote the growth of joint initiatives that can help ecosystems such as MindSphere establish themselves more widely; these initiatives will be able to reach their full potential the more users know about them, know how to use them and utilise them.” Andrea Sianesi, President of Fondazione Politecnico.