SMARTherapy: take part in our survey to gather educational needs among physiotherapists

We are pleased to announce that our survey is now online. The survey is part of the gait physiotherapy project SMARTherapy and will identify the educational needs for physiotherapists across Europe.

The survey is open to professionals, university teachers, researchers and students in the field of rehabilitation to improve walking. We will ask you a few questions about your skills and techniques to assess movement, helping us to pinpoint training and education for professionals working in this field!

The results will be used in the next phase of Erasmus+ SMARTherapySmart learning for gait physiotherapy – a standardised tool for health higher education in Europe”, as part of advanced education for physiotherapists, where we will design a programme intended to standardise the level of professional training in the field of walking rehabilitation.

The survey is in English and Italian, and will take about ten minutes to compete.

Click here to take part!