We are living in an era of radical transformations. Digital technology impacts on all areas of our life and is building a new way not only of facing the challenges of sustainable development, including first of all work, education, training, but also the way of relating, having fun, socialize, in a word our way of thinking about the world. For this reason, it is becoming increasingly urgent to acquire new understanding and transversal skills that allow us to face the near future with the right conditions.
The Digital Revolution and Sustainable Development ebook is the result of 18 months of work on the Digital Transformation project for Sustainable Development, funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation and promoted by the NGO CISV, leader of the Ong 2.0 network together with 20 partners throughout the national territory. The volume wants to make a contribution in deepening the theme of digital transformation and its link with sustainable development, combining in-depth materials to facilitate understanding of the phenomenon with didactic and operational ideas to address these complex issues in the classroom and with groups of young people. .