The volume reports the activity carried out within the Polisocial Field Educational Initiative in the academic year 2012 – 2013 and in the first semester of the year 2013-2014. The report is the first issue of the “Quaderni di Polisocial” series, conceived as a tool through which the activity that is developed within the initiative will be returned thanks to the joint work of teachers, students and social entities outside the university.
The construction path of the Field Didactics program has developed through operations and work phases that have led to its current formulation, with the presence of sixteen didactic projects for the academic year 2012 and 2013, organized along five thematic – political axes of housing and habitability, marginal populations and social exclusion, weak and vulnerable populations, social innovation and cultural policies, environment and sustainable development – conceived as new training opportunities in the field that involve teachers and students in the treatment of requests made by civil society.