This year, 200,000 euros were once again allocated through the Eugenio e Germana Parizza Fund to researchers and PhD students at Politecnico di Milano.

Since 2011, Associazione Eugenio e Germana Parizzi and Fondazione Politecnico have been awarding funds to graduates from DEIB, the university’s Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering, and from its Department of Mechanics. The Fund provides doctorate scholarships and research grants in the field of transport, particularly in railway electronics and automation. The sum on offer this year is about 200,000 euros, meaning that, when added to previous years, over 900,000 euros have been injected into higher education.

This year’s sum was disclosed at an event held last night in the Aula De Donato at Politecnico di Milano. The achievements financed by the Fund were also presented at this event, with young PhD students and researchers in particular showcasing their work.

The photograph shows Ferruccio Resta Rector of Politecnico di Milano, Cinzia Parizzi and the young aspiring academics who received their Parizzi scholarships.