MindSphere World Contest | Final Event
Industry 4.0 Student Contest 2021 by MindSphere World: Award Ceremony
Politecnico di Milano, Aula Magna - P.zza L. da Vinci 32, Milano, and in live streaming
The event
Thursday 16 December, award ceremony for the winning projects entered to MindSphere World’s Industry 4.0 Student Contest 2021.
The three finalist winning teams will receive their awards, and the event will also provide the opportunity to discuss the students’ path of development. MindSphere World, in collaboration with Career Services at Politecnico di Milano, Laboratory 4.0 at Politecnico di Milano’s Management Engineering Department and Fondazione Politecnico di Milano, proposed the contest to give Politecnico di Milano students the chance to work in teams on an innovative project for an Industry 4.0 application, created with MindSphere, the leading industrial IoT as a service, with solutions from the edge to the cloud.
MindSphere World is the leading global community for IoT (Home mindsphereworld.org); it brings together multi-disciplinary institutions to share knowledge and visions and drive the pace of digital transformation within industry. MindSphere World was launched in 2018 as an association of companies, and has members in many highly industrialised countries around the world. In Italy, the MindSphere World hub coordinates operations in southern Europe with a membership of over 30 leading companies.
The program
(The event will be in Italian language)
10.15 | Registrazione partecipanti
10.30 | Saluti di apertura | Eugenio Gatti, Fondazione Politecnico di Milano
10.40 | Introduzione | Lucia Frigerio, MindSphere World
10.50 | Keynote speech: Costruire un mindset transdisciplinare: nuove strategie per la didattica | Susanna Sancassani, Politecnico di Milano
11.10 | L’Industry 4.0 Student Contest 2021 | Luca Fumagalli, Politecnico di Milano
11.30 | Video dei progetti finalisti
11.45 | Premiazione dei vincitori da parte dei vertici dell’Ass. MindSphere World
12.00 | Career Service: il mondo del lavoro incontra gli studenti e laureati del Politecnico di Milano | Francesca Saracino, Politecnico di Milano
12.15 | MindSphere World al servizio delle aziende dell’Industria 4.0 | Andrea Gozzi, MindSphere World
How to join the event
The event will be held in presence and will be streamed live on Microsoft Teams platform.
Registrations at: www.eventbrite.it/mindsphere-world-contest.
The sits in presence are limited and the Green Pass is mandatory. If you join the event in presence, please send an email at comunicazione@fondazione.polimi.it. The access link for the online event will be sent the day before the event only to the registered.
LINK TO JOIN THE ONLINE EVENT: Join now the event (microsoft.Teams.com)