New robotic technologies in healthcare
January 2019
- December 2022
“There are still so many areas to discover in medical robotics, this is where DIH-HERO can really make a difference”, Giancarlo Ferrigno professor at Politecnico di Milano
The initiative
DIH-HERO intends to galvanise the adoption of new robotic technologies in healthcare, to support research and development in companies operating in the sector and to improve the quality of life among end users, patients and medical and healthcare staff.
A true digital innovation network, where the task of every consortium partner is to manage a high technology innovation hub and this, in turn, will bring together universities, medical and social care structures and research centres called upon to provide high-impact robotic-based solutions in the fields of surgery, rehabilitation, personal assistance and training. This is a true research and innovation ecosystem, and is trying to create – within a four-year span – a “cycle” of innovation that is the “go-to” place for seeking solutions with a high technological and social impact, and create opportunities for clinical partnerships.
To achieve this purpose, DIH-HERO will design an independent platform to bring together investors, stakeholders, research centres, and help them to establish collaborations for strengthening digital innovation and robotic systems in the medical-healthcare system, as well as acting as a medium for new healthcare products entering the market.
The role of the Foundation
Fondazione Politecnico is working with Politecnico di Milano in the coordination of the initiative
Technical details
A Europe-wide consortium of universities and research centres to develop a common platform for testing e-health 4.0 systems. The European Commission has invested 16 million euros in this European consortium.
Backed by these funds, DIH-HERO – Digital Innovation Hubs in Healthcare Robotics is working to accelerate innovation in healthcare robotics. The University of Twente in the Netherlands is the project coordinator, alongside 17 other research partners from 11 European countries, including Politecnico di Milano, and over 200 international associate partners.
The project is financed by the European Commission through Horizon 2020 (Grant Agreement no. 825003).
First results
Download the Symbola report
SMEs Opportunities in DIH-HERO projects: fundings and calls
01 Read the Dih-Hero Newsletter
02 Read the Dih-Hero Newsletter
03 Read the Dih-Hero Newsletter
04/2020 DIH HERO COVID – Read the DIH-HERO Newsletter
04 Read the DIH-HERO Newsletter
05 Read the DIH-HERO Newsletter
06 DIH HERO COVID – NEW CALL for SMEs Newsletter
07 Read the DIH HERO Newsletter
08 Read the DIH-Hero Newsletter
Recording of the DIH-HERO COVID-19 call webinar
For more information, go to https://dih-hero.eu/documents-for-download/
Financial supporters
Politecnico di Milano, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Universiteit Twente (coordinatore), Fraunhofer IPA, CEA, RWTH University Hospital Aachen, Fundación Tecnalia Research & Innovation, Scuola Sant’Anna, DTI, ETF, Fundacja Rozwoju Kardiochirurgii im prof Zbigniewa Religi, iTechnic, EURECAT, ETH Zurich, Interuniversitair Micro-electronica Centrum, Imperial College London.